Every year is the year of the rabbit when you are a children's entertainer and have a pet rabbit that you bring along to shows, not just the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.
I've had pet rabbits for the last ten years. I bring them along to my kids parties. I used to do magic'tricks with them but now I just let the kids pet them instead and everyone is still happy about that. Rabbits require special care and each one has their own personality just like people do. My last rabbit loved people (he would always lick my hand when I or especially other people petted him). Cinnamon, the rabbit I have now has a shyer personality but occasionally he licks people too. Cinnamon has a calm disposition and almost never gets mad over anything. He also loves to eat timothy hay. No matter how much timothy hay I load into his cage he eats it up right away, and in a few hours after he is fed he stands on his hind legs as I walk by and stares at me as I walk by to let me know he is hungry again.