Friday, December 3, 2010

My clown make-over through the years (children's entertainer)

As a clown and children's entertainer over the years I have had several make-overs. I first started with a lot of white make-up and a rainbow wig and a cheap clown costume.

After awhile I ditched the rainbow wig, because I wanted something more feminine and started wearing a wig with straight orange hair. Along the way at a clown convention I met a clown who had won awards for her make-up as a whiteface clown and she helped give me a make-up. I think her name was Sunshine the Clown and she was somewhere from the mid West. I also got a better (more expensive clown costume)

A few years ago I ditched the wig because it was bad for my natural hair and just wore my hair in 2 ponytails.I also became an auguste clown (less make-up because that is the trend these days in what people want).

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